Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT)

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CEBOT Fellow Program

Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT)

Building a Nation of Producers


CEBOT Fellow

The CEBOT Fellow is a privileged member of the Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT).   Nominated by CEBOT executive recognition, CEBOT Fellows are recognized by their work, achievements or potential.  They are elected into association with other CEBOT Fellows in partnership, to serve the common economic and business interests of CEBOT members.

Click to view CEBOT's SeniorFellow Program

CEBOT Fellows and CEBOT Senior Fellows are volunteer members as are all CEBOT members.  CEBOT is organized as a 501(c)(6) trade association and represents the over $110 Billion minority technology industry.  This U.S. economic engine represent 65,000 employers who employ over 550,000.

Click to View CEBOT Industry Research

CEBOT Fellow Program Enrollment Process

Application Form

CEBOT Fellow is an invitation membership.  Acceptance code is required to fill out form below

Click on link above and fill out the form.

Building a Nation of Producers

America's economy converges and grows when industry, government and community partners work together and agree to joint profitable and sustainable economic outcomes.

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CEBOT Fellow Research

Interview with CAPT Kenneth L. BarberUnited States Space Force

Congratulations CAPT Barber on your 12 years of Service and your transfer of duties to  USSF September 3, 2020

Capt Kenneth L. Barber is the Chief, Space Based SDA, Space Superiority Division, Headquarters United States Space Force, Peterson AFB CO. He is responsible for the oversight, management, execution, and resourcing of USSF’s space domain awareness assets and Science & Technology (S&T) portfolio.


Click Link Above to visit CEBOT's Space Initiative and more on USSF

Building a Nation of Producers



Evaluate Economic Development policy impact and measurement and understand global resilience
& threat information research and policies.

Virtual Intern Program

Looking Forward Research & Development

Minority Cyber Inclusion Council

Gain career insight and workforce readiness requirements for success by building critical analytic skills and strategies

Federal Virtual Intern Program

Council Exchange Board of Trade

This industry association solution-oriented initiative is grounded in a design-based research methodology focused on increasing the number of cybersecurity professionals in the public and private sector by leveraging the collective capabilities of minority technology companies, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, government agencies along with non-profit organizations and community leaders.

Cybersecurity graduate and undergraduate students research key questions in economic development, measurement and policy issues that require the critical workforce skills that are also required in the cybersecurity industry.

CEBOT Research Initiatives

Innovation in Motion is part of an industry focused, design based, applied research framework that studies how best systems connect and improve in public good ecosystems. 

Workforce systems are best envisioned with stakeholders including employers. Industry allows for multiple businesses and community partners, all sharing in the outcomes.

Innovation in Motion

Capture Purpose and Growth through Sustainable Partnerships!

Council Exchange Board of Trade

Looking Forward Research & Development

21st Century's Emerging Economic Imperative

Aligning economic choice with core human values  disrupts status quo and builds a sustainable business ecosystem.  Future profit ventures that focus on both customer and community needs  will prove most competitive.

Market Based Approach

Industry Governance Solutions
for  Social Network Systems

Many aspects of the world economy are determined more by corporate action than government control.  Research indicates a growing need for industry perspectives and solutions to externalities and social safety nets that harmonize profit to measured outcomes for the common good of people and planet.

Click Button above toview Fourth Sector Website

Council Exchange Board of TradeLooking Forward Research & Development

Governance for Good

University Owned Equipment

Students interact with University owned equipment, facilities and regulations.

Industry Transformation

Industry focused outcomes are governed by an international  501c6 non-stock corporation. 

Government Agreement

Growth Algorithms are designed to develop predictable behavior, program alliance and contract revenue.

Building a New American Economy

America's Community Collaboration Platform

The ACCP Digital Collaboration Platform was created to unify our nation and build together the critical relationships and infrastructure needed to restore the health and economy of the United States.  The broader impact of this research includes new international economic development methodologies.

click above to launch website

There’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. ACCP brings together industry, government, academia, service providers and community to digitally create a path towards economic mobility and self-sufficiency for targeted participants across United States.

The current version of the ACCP service offering introduces a two year longitudinal research on over 660,000 current HUD housing support recipients located in 50 Public Housing Authority (PHA) jurisdictions across the United States. 

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The CEBOT Enterprise builds on the following United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals; 4-Quality Education, 8-Good Jobs and Economic Growth, 9-Innovation and Infrastructure, and 17-Partnerships for the Goals.  

This frames a community plan of action for people, prosperity and community preparation for a more resilient world economy.  

As a new global industry force we are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with the needs of the individual and the needs of the communities we serve.

Council Exchange Board of Trade

Sustainable Development Goals 2020-2030

University Sponsored Activity

CEBOT Fellow Virtual Intern Program
Key Benefits

The National Society for Experiential Education defines an internship as "a carefully monitored work or volunteer experience in which an individual has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he or she is learning throughout the experience." The key phrases in this definition are "carefully monitored," "intentional learning goals," and "reflects actively."

Benefits of Internships to:

· Forge relationships with employers leading to professional jobs and cooperative education opportunities
· Enhance classroom discussions with real-world examples
· Provide opportunity for academia to stay abreast of recent developments in business/industry
· Support educational mission to integrate theory and practice

· Provide an opportunity to "test-drive" a career
· Develop specific skills and knowledge related to a career
· Develop a professional network
· Enhance marketability-for graduate school or jobs after graduation
· Increase relevance and enhance understanding of coursework

Coming Fall 2024

A P P R E N T I C E S H I P  I N T E R M E D I A R Y


Cyber Apprenticeships

The CEBOT Cyber Career Workforce Center ( is focused on the specific cybersecurity work role "All-Source Analysis" in the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.  Developing an applied curriculum, deliver classroom instruction, and provide pathways to relevant career, college degree, and/or certification

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65,000 Minority Technology Companies

The Council Exchange Board of Trade (CEBOT) brings a rich history of advocacy and procurement policy guidance within the federal policy ecosystem.  The $110 Billion Minority Technology Industry is a source of jobs to over 550,000 professionals both in the United States and abroad. 

CEBOT  brings applied research & development to growth algorithms that catalyze regional innovation ecosystems, stimulating economic development and uplifting minority business and community.  CEBOT leadership and Senior Fellows bring new capabilities, investment and research capacity to the minority technology industry and to the stakeholders they serve.




Engagement requires value and produces consensus when process is key.  Governance gives rise to planned growth both individually and throughout the ecosystem.

Growth rises when not stifled by moral hazard.   CEBOT algorithms facilitate a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

Innovation liberates possibilities, improves systems and can transform bureaucracies into managed serviced/resource based functions.   

11     Kansas City
12     Las Vegas
13     Indianapolis
14     Puerto Rico
15     Cincinnati
16     Raleigh-Durham
17     Virginia Beach-Norfolk
18     New Orleans
19     Birmingham
20     Boston

  1    New York-Newark
  2    Los Angeles
  3    Chicago
  4    Washington DC
  5    San Francisco
  6    Dallas-Fort Worth
  7    Miami
  8    Atlanta
  9    Detroit
10    Cleveland

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Council Exchange Board of Trade
Rights, Privileges and Member Protection

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service (TOS)

Refund Policy

Member benefits and the rights of the 501c6 that represents them are an important step to combining our joint will to serve and protect our interests..

Protecting your private information is our priority.

Our intent is to create exceptional value exchange between our members and the Council

The Council Exchange Board of Trade is organized as a 501(c)6 Trade Association.  

DC Office: 1629 K St. NW, Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20006

Call 8:00am to 5:00pm(EST) Monday - Friday at 202-600-7828

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